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Over the coming months we will work to expand our platform and build a world-class innovation and intellectual property portal. We will work to empower users like you and build a global network that will connect innovators across the world.

Enclosed you will find our second monthly newsletter. It is packed with information, including recent developments in the field of innovation and major economic developments.

Newsletter: September 2012

Economic World Review: August to September

Another month passed, and another exciting period for innovators around the world. The global economy has trudged onwards in-spite of continuingly poor economic data. Stock markets, R&D expenditures, and employment rates are holding steady. This is bringing hope to many economists and business planners that the world will be able to weather the current economic climate and push through to a more prosperous 2013... Continue reading

Apple Vs. Samsung: How Will the Ruling Impact Innovation?

The epic showdown between electronics giants Apple and Samsung appears to be winding down. While the results have been mixed, Apple has scored the largest victories, landing a 1 billion dollar verdict in the United States and the right to demand licensing fee for a wide range of software features and hardware design elements... Continue reading

Step-by-Step in Conducting Marketing Research

Contrary to many people's perception, conducting a market research study is not a simple process of putting together a few questions, interviewing some people and counting each person's answers to the questions asked. It involves careful thinking and planning, and more important, it involves strategy and operational efficiency... Continue reading

Disclaimer: The above articles represent the opinions of individual authors and have been written for discussion purposes. The articles do not necessarily reflect the views of Vibazone Private Limted and should not be taken as constituting recommendations or suggestions.
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