Category Archives: Hints & Tips

When to use what marketing research tools (Part 1 of 2)

Many entrepreneurs and even management professionals simply dismiss the use of marketing research as an expense, rather than as an investment. For most people marketing research is nothing more than conducting surveys by asking people a set of predefined questions, compile the answers and then tabulate into quantitative reports for presentation to management.

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Basic Guidelines in Crisis Management Communication

Crises are unpredictable, but not unexpected. Crisis are threats, meaning that they actually do or have the potential to create negative or undesirable outcomes. Threats can often translate to mean damages, which at most times include financial losses, injuries, death, structural or property damages, sullied reputations and/or environmental harm.

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Step-by-Step in Conducting Marketing Research

Contrary to many people’s perception, conducting a market research study is not a simple process of putting together a few questions, interviewing some people and counting each person’s answers to the questions asked. It involves careful thinking and planning, and more important, it involves strategy and operational efficiency.

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The “Six W’s” of Starting a New Business or Project

The six W’s refer to the six questions who, what, where, when, why, and how. Answering these six questions will help you come to a better understanding of your new project or business. Starting a new business, developing a new product, or launching a world-changing project is no easy task.  By answering the Six W’s you would begin to build the consensus, both within yourself and with your team, needed to launch your project. Along the way you will tackle many of the important issues that will later determine the success

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Effective Mentoring

Mentoring is a process of cultivation. A great mentor won’t try to tell you all of the answers but will instead help a young start-up or entrepreneur formulate their own answers and solutions. A mentor accomplishes this by sharing their past experience and gained knowledge in dealing with the challenges being faced by the young start-up. The mentor will then help facilitate the young-start up in thinking about their own problems and how they can develop their own unique solutions.

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