Consumer Technology World Brief
The arrival of Intel Haswell process microarchitecture brings a whole new wave of electronic devices into the market. It is an upgrade from the previous Ivy Bridge version which promises better performance and longer battery life. With the recent market focus on ultrabooks and tablet computing the Haswell chips could not have come at a better time. The introduction of the Haswell chip definitely is changing the landscape for mobile computing making tablets a more practical and mainstream device than they previously were. For desktop users however the move from Ivy Bridge to Haswell is less clear. A performance gain of up to ten percent is expected, but in most cases, it might be lower. Power usage is lower, of course, but that’s really not enough to drive the cost of a motherboard and processor swap. The gain for mobile users look to be more substantial than desktop users, which is certainly key to Intel’s future, since laptop and ultraportable PC sales is the one bright spot in the PC growth arena.
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